Sergio Angelini: Face to Face by "Ellery Queen" (possibly with Jack Vance)
Yvette Banek: The Hard Way by Carol Lea Benjamin
Brian Busby: International Detective Cases magazine (that wasn't)

Bill Crider: The Blue Dahlia by Raymond Chandler
Scott Cupp: Red Moon and Black Mountain by Joy Chant

William Deeck: Slay the Murderer and Another Man’s Poison by Hugh Holman
Martin Edwards: The Missing Partners by Henry Wade
Curt Evans: The Vultures Gather by Anne Hocking
Elisabeth Grace Foley: Kathleen by Christopher Morley
Ed Gorman: American Cinema by Andrew Sarris
Monte Herridge: Hugo Oakes short stories by J. Lane Linklater
Jerry House: Journal of the Gun Years by Richard Matheson
Allen J. Hubin: Dead Reckoning by Sam Llewellyn
Randy Johnson: Violence In Velvet by Michael Avallone
Nick Jones: Mr. Majestyk by Elmore Leonard
George Kelley: The Tall Dolores by Michael Avallone
Marvin Lachman: Brazilian Sleigh Ride by Robert L. Fish
Evan Lewis: Secret Agent X-9 by Dashiell Hammett and Alex Raymond (dramatization in progress on BBC Radio 4 Extra)
Steve Nester: Cut Numbers by Nick Tosches
John F. Norris: Be Silent, Love by Fan Nichols
Juri Nummelin: Blood Marks by Bill Crider
James Reasoner: White Heather Weather by John Frederick (Frederick Faust)
Karyn Reeves: Now East, Now West by Susan Ertz
Richard Robinson: The Bookman by Lavie Tidhar
Gerard Saylor: The Uncertainty Principle by Mark Kraushaar

Ron Scheer: Casa Grande by Charles Duff Stuart
Bill Selnes: When Corruption was King by Robert Cooley with Hillel Levin
Kerrie Smith: War Crimes by Peter Carey
Kevin Tipple: Old Silver by Carl Brookins
Prashant Trikannad: Beyond This Place by A.J. Cronin, Fort Everglades by Frank G. Slaughter, Cup of Gold by John Steinbeck, Magnificent Obsession by Lloyd C. Douglas, Beyond the Black Stump by Nevil Shute, Love among the Chickens by P.G. Wodehouse
"TomCat": The Dead Ringer by Fredric Brown

Not at all. (Only slightly offput by those participants who've decided this week is a Brand X week.)
Mine is up and running, Todd. Thanks!
Thank you, Yvette.
Here's mine: Kathleen by Christopher Morley
Updated my post with the right FFB link - thanks very much Todd (as always).
Thanks to you both, Elisabeth and Sergio. A bad morning, hence not quite catching up with Elisabeth and Yvette as quickly as I'd like, but a good list, I think.
Todd, thanks very much for including my rather unconventional FFB post. I'll have a proper review next week. I read some good books and stories over the past few days but haven't had the time to write about them.
Todd: you missed mine, which is no wonder since I had timed it and linked it to Patti's blog. Here it is anyway:
Sorry, Juri (writing through his wife's account...FaceBook is graced by their Eurotour photos). I looked at your blog, but didn't see anything new Friday morning...adding now.
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