The weekly assembly of reviews and citations of books and related literature not yet or no longer given much attention, usually less than they deserve. Hosted again next week by founder Patti Abbott; this week and last hosted here.
Sergio Angelini: Murder in Miniature by "Leo Bruce" (Rupert Croft-Cooke)
Frank Babics: The Night Sister by Jennifer McMahon
Mark Baker: Out of Circulation by Miranda James
Yvette Banek: Four Strange Women by E. R. Punshun
The Bare Bones Crew: 1965 in DC war comics

Ben Boulden: The Wolf in the Clouds by Ron Faust
Brian Busby: He Will Return by Helen Dickson Reynolds [revisited]
Bill Crider: The Carpetbaggers by Harold Robbins; PaperBack (a series of back-cover blurbs)
Scott A. Cupp: Iroshi by Carrie Osborne
Martin Edwards: A Quiet Place by Seicho Matsumoto (translated by Louise Heal Kawait); One Deadly Summer by "Sebastien Japrisot" (Jean-Baptiste Rossi) (translated by Alan Sheridan)

Barry Ergang: Mr. Monk Goes to the Firehouse by Lee Goldberg
Will Errickson: The Happy Man by Eric C. Higgs
Fred Fitch: Trust Me on This by Donald Westlake
Paul Fraser: Weird Tales, January 1940, edited by Farnsworth Wright
Barry Gardner: Faithfully Executed by Michael Bowen
Ed Gorman: The Plastic Nightmare by Richard Neely
John Grant: The Wench is Dead by Fredric Brown
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cover painting by Wallace Wood |
Rich Horton: Coronation Summer by Angela Thirkell; Science Fiction Stories, January 1955, edited by Robert A. W. Lowndes
Jerry House: Jeff Jordan, U.S. Agent #1 (December 1947/January 1948); Tom Swift and His Giant Telescope by "Victor Appleton" (Thomas M. Mitchell, in this instance)
Tracy K: Sweet Silver Blues by Glen Cook
George Kelley: Galaxy Art and Beyond by Wally Wood (edited and annotated by Roger Hill)
Margot Kinberg: Burial of the Dead by Michael Hogan
Rob Kitchin: Murder in the Marals by Cara Black

B. V. Lawson: Trouble with Product X (aka Beware of the Bouquet) by Joan Aiken
Steve Lewis: Beware the Young Stranger by "Ellery Queen" (Talmage Powell in this case)
Todd Mason: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1973, edited by Edward Ferman; Fantastic Stories, September 1973, edited by Ted White; The Haunt of Horror, August 1973, edited by Gerard Conway
John F. Norris: Said with Flowers by Anne Nash
Mathew Paust: Winning Texas by Nancy Stancill
J. Kingston Pierce: The "Rap" Party: 10 Years of "The Rap Sheet" celebrated at "Killer Covers"
James Reasoner: The Man I Killed by Shel Walker (Walt Sheldon); weekly pulps
Richard Robinson: The Leper of St. Giles by "Ellis Peters" (Edith Pargeter)
Gerard Saylor: A Mind to Murder by P. D. James; Deadly Honeymoon by Lawrence Block
Steve Scott: Deadly Welcome by John D. MacDonald
Dan Stumpf: Keep Running by Keith Vining
"TomCat": The Milliner's Hat Mystery by Basil Thomson
Prashant Trikannad: Presumption of Death by "Perri" (Mary and Pamela) O’Shaughnessy
Some excellent stuff there - thanks Todd!
Indeed. Thanks, and for your contribution...I'm impressed your writer apparently spent half his life writing autobiography (I hope I take a joke too literally).
Todd, thanks for putting up the links including mine. Some very good selections here and I'm reading something else altogether.
Thank you, Prashant. So, what are you reading instead?
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