Hephzibah Anderson: The Great Writers Now Forgotten
Bernadette: A Case of Two Cities by Qiu Xiaolong
Les Blatt: The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club by Dorothy L. Sayers
Brian Busby: Edna Jacques, poet
Alice Chang: Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
Bill Crider: Bloody Vengeance by Jack Ehrlich; The Villa of Mysteries by David Hewson; King Buff by Ellis Christian Lenz
Martin Edwards: Fear to Tread by Michael Gilbert

Peter Enfantino, Jack Seabrook and Jose Cruz: EC Comics, January 1954
Will Errickson: Deathchain by Ken Greenhall
Curtis Evans: Death Came Softly and Crook o'Lune by ECR Lorac
Fred Fitch: Nobody Runs Forever by Donald Westlake
Paul Fraser: Unknown Worlds, December 1942, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.
John Grant: Dark Passage by David Goodis; Helliconia by Brian Aldiss

Rich Horton: You Shall Know Them by "Vercors" (Jean Bruller) translated by Rita Barisse; Fantastic: Stories of Imagination, January and February 1964, edited by Cele Goldsmith Lalli (featuring The Lords of Quarmall by Fritz Leiber and Harry Fischer)
Jerry House: Past Times by Poul Anderson
Nick Jones: The Rediscovery of Mankind by "Cordwainer Smith" (Paul Linebarger); Infinite Stars edited by Bryan Thomas Schmidt
Tracy K: Bodies Are Where You Find Them by "Brett Halliday" (Davis Dresser)
George Kelley: How to Write Tales of Horror, Fantasy & Science Fiction edited by J. N. Williamson
Joe Kenney: Balzan of the Cat People: The Caves of Madness by "Wallace Moore" (Gerry/Gerard F. Conway)
Margot Kinberg: Close Quarters by Michael Gilbert
Rob Kitchin: Moth by James Sallis
Richard Krauss: The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (first edition) edited by Peter Nicholls
B. V. Lawson: The Abandoned Room by Charles Wadsworth Camp
Evan Lewis: Little Caeser by W. R. Burnett
Steve Lewis: Dead or Alive by Patricia Wentworth; "The Avenging Phonograph" by E. R. Punshon; Why Me? by Donald Westlake
Gideon Marcus: If, November 1962, edited by Frederik Pohl
Todd Mason: First issues, July/August 1963: Gamma edited by Charles Fritch; Magazine of Horror edited by Robert A. W. Lowndes, and the three other fantasy-fiction magazines then professionally publishing in English
Marcia Muller: Finding Maubee aka The Calypso Murders by A. H. Z. Carr
Neeru: Close Quarters by Michael Gilbert

Matt Paust: CannaCorn by Con Chapman
James Reasoner: Never Say No to a Killer by Clifton Adams
Gerard Saylor: Tobacco Stained Mountain Goat by Andrez Bergen; Rusty Puppy by Joe R. Lansdale
Kevin Tipple: Spirit of Steamboat by Craig Johnson
"TomCat": The Haunted Gallery by John Russell Fearn
Prashant Trikannad: secondhand bookselling in Mumbai and nearby
Samuel Wilson: Barbed Wire by Elmer Kelton; "Oysthers" by Gordon Young
Thanks for the link, Todd. Interesting list as ever.
Thanks for the review, and glad you enjoy the company...
The link to my blog is much appreciated--the link to James Reasoner's blog needs fixing. 'Fred Fitch'
Thanks, Chris. I'll have to ask why "Fred Fitch" sometime...
Todd, thanks very much for including my post, unconventional as it would be for FFB.
Not at all, Prashant...of similar interest!
Thanks as always, Todd!
Quite welcome, Jack.
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