Bill Crider: Stealing Home (trailer)
Brian Arnold: Saturday Morning Recreated: ABC, Fall 1982

Chuck Esola: Smoke 'Em if You Got 'Em
Corey Redekop: Dune (1984)
Evan Lewis: Meet Nero Wolfe; The League of Frightened Men
George Kelley: Vera Cruz
Iba Dawson: Little Voice
Ivan G. Shreve: Sergeant Preston of the Yukon: Arctic Odyssey
James Reasoner: The Rogues (1964-65)

Jerry House: The Gorilla (1939)
John Charles: One Down, Two to Go
Juri Nummelin: Tarantula
Kate Laity: (Ken Russell Archives:) Delius
Michael Shonk: The Outsider (1967); The Outsider (1968-69)
Patti Abbott: Rich Man, Poor Man
Prashant Trikannad: The Last Voyage (1960)

Randy Johnson: A Bullet for Joey
Scott Cupp: Monsters (2010)
Sergio Angelini: Tequila Sunrise

Steve Lewis: You Came Along
Todd Mason: The Not Quite As Big Broadcast: Radio Drama from the 1960s to Now (please see below)
Walter Albert: Two of a Kind (1951)
Yvette Banek: Zero Mostel and The Producers (1968)
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Ed Gorman: Do buy Cinema Retro
Prashant Trikannad: Long Live King Kong!
Stacia Jones: February Films to Watch For
Stephen Gallagher: Don't buy Murder Rooms: The Ultimate Collection
The Not Quite As Big Broadcast: Radio Drama from the 1960s to Now
This will necessarily be a work in progress...and, in a sense, is an extension of previous posts on podcasts and radio (and commercially-recorded audio) drama generally. But there are several archives and active projects that have been brought up in various fora of late, so I'd thought I'd gather at least some access information here for this week's post.
L. A. Theatre Works (formerly broadcast as Act One Radio Theater), and they make available cds of their other productions, aside from the ones being broadcast. This week, the posted episode is a production of On the Waterfront, with a bonus of a 2002 interview with Budd Schulberg.
The Relativity Series is also a LA Theatre Works production, with multiple episodes of science-fiction, science-fantasy, and science-related plays posted for streaming.
The Thrilling Adventure Hour, like the Theatre Works, stages radio plays before audiences, with an emphasis on cheerfully nostalgic parodies of common sorts of (you guessed it) adventure drama of the '30s and '40s. My own favorites tend to be from the series devoted to the supernatural investigators of the Nick and Nora Charles variety, Beyond Belief, with Paget Brewster and Paul F. Tompkins as Sadie and Frank Doyle. Episodes can be heard at their Soundcloud page, and more recent ones at their Nerdist pages. The This American Wife interview with Brewster and Tompkins in character then as themselves is also very worthwhile (TAW, as one might gather, is devoted mostly to parody of NPR and PRI programming, while also serving as a source of actual interviews and features on its own ticket.)

Earwolf, the podcast cluster, features two continuing dramatic series, if both spoofish and intentional throwbacks, The Apple Sisters and Mike Detective (we await the second season). Improv4Humans is also dramatic, as improvisational sketches are developed as you listen...which is true to some extent in some of the chattier podcasts, as well.
The BBC, of course, particularly on Radio 4, and the Radio 4 Extra (Radio 7 rebranded and slightly retooled), continues to be a source, one that isn't getting along with my current browsers here at work, and I miss it.
ZBS Foundation (the initials stand for Zero BullShit) don't believe in giving away too much of their work, but oddly enough do have some video shorts up for free, though none of their audio drama (that they're better-known for).
Archives of latter-days series:
The Internet Archive, aka Archive.org, is always a good place to start.
...much more to come...
Hi Todd, an hour ago I posted a review of THE LAST VOYAGE (1960). I wonder if you could add that too. Thanks very much.
Just posted mine, Todd. I'm sorry I've been so tardy lately - haven't been feeling all that great. But here I am, at last.
Thanks, folks...and no need to apologize, Yvette...not too much that's time-critical here. Hope you feel better soon (and I can sympathize).
Thanks again for the help last week. On muscle relaxers so feeling a bit loopy.
Probably the best state for reading my posts. You're quite welcome, and hope you won't need the relaxers soon...
Looks like mine got missed
That's a far better pic of the last scene you got there, Todd! I wonder how I missed it. Thanks again.
Thank you, Prashant. Sorry, Scott! I thought you might still be at other tasks when I didn't see it by the end of the morning...
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