Bill Crider: Wild Bill (1995) (title not referring to Crider himself, who does get hero points for composing an entry using his phone) [trailer]
Brian Arnold: The Magic Christian and other VHS rummages; The Last Detail
Chuck Esola: The Boogens (see Rod Lott)
Dan Stumpf: The Last Man on Earth (1964)
Ed Gorman: Character actors: Edmond O'Brien et al.
Elisabeth Grace Foley: Lady for a Day
Elizabeth Foxwell: "Committed" (G.E. Theater) based on "Daytime Nightmare" (Box 13, the Alan Ladd radio series of a few years earlier)
Evan Lewis: Super Mouse, soon to become Mighty Mouse, in "He Dood It Again"
George Kelley: Forever Marilyn; Longmire
Jeff Flugel: Banacek: "Detour to Nowhere" (pilot)
Iba Dawson: Wilma
Ivan G. Shreve, Jr.: Route 66, 87th Precinct, and more
Jack Seabrook: Ray Bradbury on TV: "Shopping for Death" (Alfred Hitchcock Presents:)
Jackie Kashian: Josh Elvis Weinstein, of Freaks and Geeks, MST3K, and Cinematic Titanic
James Reasoner: The Tonight Show in the 1970s (as substitute-hosted by, for example, Jim Henson as Kermit the Frog, and by Steve Martin wearing a giant rabbit's-head mask)
Jerry House: A Silent Film Miscellany
John Charles: The Mad Butcher (1971, aka Lo strangolatore di Vienna and various titles!)
Juri Nummelin: The Way You Wanted Me (aka Sellaisena kuin sinä minut halusit)
Kate Laity: 22 Bullets (aka L’Immortel)
Mark Hand: Animal Rights 2012 Conference
Michael Shonk: Andy Barker, PI
Patti Abbott: The Grey Fox
Randy Johsnon: Pay or Die!
Pearce Duncan: Deadly Blessing
Rod Lott: The Boogens (see Chuck Esola)

Ron Scheer: The Kentuckian
Scott Cupp: Journey to the Center of the Earth (1959)
Sergio Angelini: I Spy (tv et al.; 1965-68)
Stacia Jones: Fashions of 1934
Steve Lewis: The Phantom Express; The Nickel Ride; Gail Bowen: Verdict in Blood
Todd Mason: Borgen: the complete series online marathon. The brilliant drama from the team previously responsible for the original The Killing series will be made available on a staggered basis, with a two-week window for each pair of episodes fed, for US viewers online, from the US station that feeds it, Link TV.
Yvette Banek: The Killing (US tv 2011-12); Dark Passage
Zybahn: Night Gallery: "A Question of Fear" and "The Devil is Not Mocked"
Here's mine: Lady For a Day (1933)
Thanks, Elisabeth! Welcome back.
Okay, up and running - late as usual. :)
Hi Todd, I don't have an overlooked films post this week as I have been tied up with some pressing family matters. Hope to be back next week.
Thanks, Yvette and Prashant...looking forward to what you can do when you can, Prashant!
I'll take a took at BORGEN, Todd. If it's available to me. Thanks.
It is, if you have DirecTV, Dish Network, a few cable systems, live in San Francisco (KRCB broadcasts it overnights) or, and this is what the link is all about, if you have a reliable, sufficiently fast web connection, since they're streaming them as well as transmitting them through television signals. Though non-Yanks complain on the site about not being able to see it...national rights purchases, after all. Dunno who might buy it in Canada. Channel 4, iirc, has been running it in the UK.
Thanks for including me Todd - and a smashing picture of Culp and Nuyen!
I just up, belatedly, my short entry up!
I am partial to photos of Nuyen, I freely admit; thanks, folks...Juri, I'll try to make sure yours is included next week, as well, as many folks will've missed it by now...
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