Bill Crider: Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla
Brian Arnold: Rags to Riches
Chuck Esola: Let's Scare Jessica to Death
Dan Stumpf: Band of Outsiders aka Bande à part, with the novel it's based on, Dolores Hitchens's Fool's Gold
Elizabeth Foxwell: The Life and Legacy of Ernie Kovacs
George Kelley: Santa Sangre
James Reasoner: Avenger
Jerry House: The Gaunt Stranger
Kate Laity: 2011 Popular Culture Association Conference
Patti Abbott: Imitation of Life (1959)
Pearce Duncan: The Phantom of the Opera (1989)
Randy Johnson: Mike Hammer (1958-59)
Scott Cupp: Streets of Fire
Steve Lewis: Mirage (1965)
Todd Mason: Journeyman and Kidnapped (2006) and a Hugo Nominee for short-form drama
Walter Albert: Murder in Trinidad

Of related interest:
Ed Gorman: Talking Funny
Jake Hinkson: Decoy
George Kelley said...
Great movie poster of SANTA SANGRE, Todd! It has to be the stangest movie I've ever seen.
April 26, 2011 11:49 AM
Todd Mason said...
You might or might not want to look at the earlier film that made his rep in the States, at least, EL TOPO.
April 26, 2011 12:30 PM
I'll be seeking out EL TOPO. But I'm still hung over from watching SANTA SANGRE.
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