Bill Crider: W. W. and the Dixie Dancekings [opening credits]
Brian Arnold: The Hat Squad; Muppet Camera Tests; "Everyday Hulk"
Chuck Esola: Surf II
Ed Gorman: ...and the Movie Morlocks: Body Double
Elizabeth Foxwell: Arthur Conan Doyle, 1927
Evan Lewis: the "Saddle Up Saturdays" tv westerns bloc on the Inspiration Channel
George Kelley: The Neil Simon Collection
Ian Covell: Battle of the Worlds
Iba Dawson: The Scarlet Pimpernel (1934)
Ivan G. Shreve, Jr.: The Green Hornet (1940 film serial)

Jack Seabrook: "The Glass Eye" (Alfred Hitchcock Presents:)
Jackie Kashian: Abraham Lincoln: Trailer Hunter
Jake Hinson: Mysterypod
James Reasoner: Beach Party
Jeff Flugel: Mirage (1965)
Jerry House: Celeste Holm and Cinderella (1965)
John Charles: The Deadly Sword; The Last Duel; The Shaolin Brothers
Juri Nummelin: Ridley Scott films

Marty McKee: Sh! The Octopus

Michael Shonk: Banyon (pilot for tv series; aka Banyon: Walk Up and Die)
Patti Abbott: Ruby in Paradise
Prashant Trikannad: The Beast (1988)
Randy Johnson: Dallas (1950 film)
Rod Lott: Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?
Ron Scheer: The Indian Fighter (1955)
Scott Cupp: Oversexed Rugsuckers from Mars
Sergio Angelini: Hickey and Boggs
Stacia Jones: The Lodger (films of 1927; 1944)
Steve Lewis: No Man of Her Own; Sweet and Low-Down (1944)

Todd Mason: A L'Aventure (please see below)
Yvette Banek: Endeavour; Suspect (1987)
"Zybahn": Night Gallery, Season 2, Episodes 1 and 2

This film is the most recent in a trilogy put together by Brisseau about women being helped along/pushed by the men in their lives to explore their sexual and philosophical limits, apparently, but I've yet to see either of the others, or any of his other films...this one was rather random catch on Sundance Channel, which seems to be picking up all the slack as this IFC Film is unlikely to run on the former Independent Film Channel, now (like its corporate cousin AMC) mostly devoted to series tv and rather more crowd-pleasing films interrupted by commercial breaks. While it's (as one of the two IMDb reviews notes) rather shallow but very prettily shot, its relatively healthy attitude toward sexual exploration (even as portrayed in very Hefner-friendly ways) tends to separate it from most of our "art-porn" or sexually-adventurous art films, where the characters are almost always in the grip of anomie or at least pervasive malaise, with their sex if anything at least illustrating if not furthering their misery...and this is as true of European, A/NZ and Asian films as it is of films from the Americas. This films steps away from that, at least to the extent that the sexuality here is at least indicative of much of the best of these characters' lives, of generosity of spirit when intimacy isn't quite present...thus, for example, the opposite of what goes on in the ridiculously overpraised films of Bertolucci, and something if not less fraught then less doomed than the sexual desire in the films of Paul Schrader nor even as tied up with misery as the sexual component usually is in even the least-damned of neo-noir situations (say, for example, the new couple at the center of Bound). The supernatural element, particularly as employed, also reminds me of how this film can be seen as the chirpy, largely comic alternative to the utterly tragic, literally deadly-serious film Martyrs, another film that (vastly more sure-footedly) brings a feminist, humanist critique to the kind of film which is almost by default particularly misogynist in its misanthropy.
So, not a great film, but a very prettily-shot qualified failure at worst, and with more to offer than similarly foolish but less ambitious or at least less generous films by the likes of, say, Brian DePalma or Oliver Stone.
Todd, I'm up and running. My film is 'SUSPECT' with Cher and Dennis Quaid.
I wrote this last night but what with fine tuning and whatnot, I'm only posting it just now.
Cool. Though ENDEAVOUR might be still more overlooked still...
I finally got Wise Blood up.
Cheers Todd, sounds really great - I've not seen anythign by Brisseau (and I'll have to let the De Palma bashing pass - us fans have to learn to abide) so somethign to look out for.
Thanks, Sergio...and as long as THE BLACK DAHLIAs rather outnumber the almost good De Palma films (CARRIE and SISTERS, thanks in large part to their casts, are what come to mind at the moment) among his works, I'm afraid I will tend to be a detractor. Even a trifle such as FEMME FATALE tends to be well-cast, even I will admit.
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