Brian Arnold: The Last Action Hero
Cullen Gallagher: '49-'17
James Reasoner: The Open Road
Jerry House: Tales of Tomorrow
Juri Nummelin: Manifesto
Paul D. Brazill: Palookaville
Pearce Duncan: Future Boy Conan
Randy Johnson: Belle of the Yukon
Steve Lewis: The Story of Temple Drake
Todd Mason: Hotel; WTF with Marc Maron and Paul Krassner (of The Realist); Monitor.

Of related interest:
Jackie Kashian: The Dork Forest with Jen Kirkman and Karen Rontowski
Michael A. Gonzales: On Ernest Tidyman and Shaft (courtesy Juri Nummelin)
Jack Seabrook on Fredric Brown on TV (Part 1)
courtesy K. A. Laity: Text as Art
Lawrence Person on werewolf films (with links to Person's and Howard Waldrop's decade retrospectives in fantastic films)
George Kelley on Roger Ebert's The Great Movies, V. 3
Patti Abbott: Susan Hayward
Terry Blass on Dave Friedman
Bill Crider (and Janet Hutchings): "The Case of the Headless Man" and hidden talents...
I don't know if you want to link my review of Roger Ebert's THE GREAT MOVIES, Vol. 3 but feel free to. You're doing a great job hosting this informative forum each Tuesday, Todd!
I meant to drop that in, George, to "related links," but hadn't taken the opportunity yet on a harried morning. Thanks for suggesting...and looking forward to your next Overlooked...
I have nowhere near the movie knowledge you and your contributors have, Todd. I'll try my best to put a film posting up on my blog about once a month, but I'll make a special effort to make my Tuesday postings movie-related (like today's).
From New Jersey (Brian Arnold) and New Zealand (Pearce Duncan), new Officially Overlooked items have been added in the last hour or so (along with a few Related Items).
Todd: I just made a new one, though it's Wednesday! Hope you still link it! I was going to write it yesterday, but you know how it is.
Word Up: Trambo. The Turkish version of Rambo.
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